Quote Of The DayHumor is a big part of my life, and I feel it should be the same for everyone. That should explain why the base for me choosing this specific quote is under the topic of humor. Without humor flexibility is limited, leaving only the ways one knows; the options that one has been limited to. No humor, leaves no discovery the mere funny instinct to spark up a theory, to vitalize whats around one to there own advantage. Foolish ideas or actions may be humorous to someone, but if that fool succeeds, the fool laughs last. Thus the accuser adopts the fools "foolish" idea or action, isn't that ironic. Aristotle identified a very compelling reason for using humor, "it's a test of ideas. Humor is a challenge to the very core of an idea, its gravity, its seriousness. If an idea can't withstand humor it will crumble under intellectual scrutiny". I cannot fully explain this quote because to fully explain it would be far to serious, I can only shade in my perspective. Humor is the only test, the basis of a solemn and dignified feeling, "raillery", humor even supports the gravity of or understanding humor. An idea that doesn't pose good nature is fishy and a witty remark or object of ridicule which will not hold a simple serious observation, examination or analyzing lacks proof, becomes false wit. This quote doesn't just pose importance to me solely today.. it poses importance to me ever since I was blessed with the sense of humor. Sense of humor has been imprinted in my DNA and Genes for as long as I can remember.